6 week Course: “How the vote was won”

Clare Wichbold. Image © Hereford Times

 How the vote was won – The suffrage campaign in Herefordshire, by Clare Wichbold. Exploring the significance of Herefordshire against the national backdrop of votes for women during the 19th and early 20th centuries.

This Wednesday afternoon course will be held between 2pm and 4pm at the LHS centre  starting on 12th March continuing on 19th, 26th, 2nd April, 9th April and finishing with a day out on 16th April.  Tea, coffee and biscuits at half time. The cost will be £35, booking essential before 21st February. Numbers are limited so please book by email to anna.ross@live.co.uk to ensure there are remaining places. Payment can be made online via the button below, at the LHS or HOBS on Broad St.

Clare Wichbold gave the society a fascinating talk at the end of last year – The long life and fascinating times of Constance Radcliffe Cooke. Constance, a suffragette who lived at Hellens Manor spent her life involved in local and national activism, her own historical research, and left-wing politics.
Clare is the author of 2 books, one on Constance Radcliffe Cook and also Hard Work – But Glorious which is the first account of the suffrage movement in Herefordshire.





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